谁为本次活动的组织者?/ WHO IS THE ORGANISER?
本次活动要感谢众多有识之士献计献策,如果没有他们贡献出大量宝贵的时间和知识,本次活动就无法面世。他们是:Laura Tucker, Suvi Rautio, Clare Pennington, Katy Pinke, Zandie Brockett, Neill McLean Geddes, Solveig Suess, Ambra Corinti, Blake Noah, Peter Williams, Danni Zheng, Nathaniel Davis.
SOPHIE MCKINNON is a chronic enthusiast. A former arts writer, consultant and gallery project manager, she gleans inspiration from the many corners of Beijing, which she has called her home since 2007. Most recently, she ran the member program and the educational arm of the exhibitions team at the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in 798. She also brought the first Festival of New Zealand Filmmaking from her native country in March this year.
Baiye (Chinese for White Night) is an independently organised project, and represents Sophie’s love of spontaneous urban encounters, serendipity, and hand-drawn maps. Her side salads include: improv theatre, leading The Pop Shop! charity events and the China Contemporary Art + Architecture Tours (now in their fifth year), amateur DJ-ing, and pro-honey discussions.
This event would not be possible without the capable brains and spirit of some outstanding individuals, who volunteered their time and expertise. They are: Laura Tucker, Suvi Rautio, Clare Pennington, Katy Pinke, Zandie Brockett, Neill McLean Geddes, Solveig Suess, Ambra Corinti, Blake Noah, Peter Williams, Danni Zheng, Nathaniel Davis.