门票可以从3月11日起于以下合作单位提前购买: 肆角餐吧,brandnü,持有我们的门票,请凭票据于3月22日在东直门的白夜俄罗斯西餐厅索取活动线路图。本线路图将会帮您找到所有的活动场所以及将会发生“相遇”的地方。观众可以持票从任意地点开始体验白夜活动,没有推荐线路。一些活动有规定的开放时间和地点,在您索取地图的时候可以进行报名。各场所会从3月22日星期五晚上10点开始到3月23日星期六晚上10点结束,活动持续时间为24小时整,如有变动,请参看通知。
At 10pm on Friday, March 22, Beijing White Night will officially ‘open’.
Tickets can be purchased in advance from March 11th at these collaborating venues:
All ticket holders will need to exchange their ticket on March 22 at the ‘White Nights’ Russian Restaurant in Dongzhimen for an event map. Your map will show where all venues and ‘encounters’ will take place. Ticket holders can begin their White Night experience wherever they choose and there is no suggested route. Some events are time-specific (i.e. take place at a specific time and place), and can be signed up for when collecting your map. Venues will be open from 10pm on Friday March 22, until 10pm on Saturday March 23, for a total of 24 hours, unless otherwise noted.
We are incredibly grateful to those opening their homes as venues for this special event and we ask all participants to respect their space! Please don’t use host bathrooms or smoke indoors.